Winter Wonderland

Had a snow day today. School was closed because of the snow (I'm a teacher) so I didn't have to go to work. Just as well as there were no trains running and I take 2 to get to work.

My youngest daughter, Sarah, was also home for the day and so we walked my eldest daughter, Natalie, to work. We then spent about 21/2 hours walking around my home village taking photos and just enjoying the walk. Although we took things slowly so we didn't slip over, my leg muscles are killing me. I think it's because I had to pick my legs up quite high (I'm only short) so as not to get totally buried in the snow. Also, because I had to keep struggling to keep my balance.

I'm off work tomorrow too, but I'm NOT walking out in it again lol

Here are some of the photos I took on our walk

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Shaz said...

I love the photos, the last one looks like the lampost from Narnia!

think of all teh bonus points you will have earned! lol


Jackie said...

Thanks Shaz - I loved the snow it made everything seem so pretty. I loved this lamppost too

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